Internships & Jobs
Internships & Jobs
All RTF Workforce Degrees and Certificates have capstone class options which can include RTVB 2388 Internship, RTVB-1266 Field Experience Practicum, and/or RTVB 2340 Portfolio Development.
These classes class combines theory and practice through a real world training experience in the workplace. Internships can be set up with a variety of organizations, such as radio and television stations, film/video production companies, nonprofits, governmental agencies, or gaming/immersive media production studios. If planning for an internship, it’s recommended to consult with professors early on and explore these internship & job search tools to assist in the process.
Students can also explore Outside Opportunity Call Postings for more career opportunities.
ACC RTF has several application-based paid internship programs developed specifically with industry partners.
For film degree/certificate students:
Students learn to create training films at the Samsung semiconductor facility as part of a production team in a professional environment. This is a paid position from which students can go on to additional full-time contract work in semesters beyond, working with other RTF interns and alumni.
For TV degree/certificate students:
As part of the new ACC RTF & PBS Community Training Model, in future semesters a number of second year students will participate in a paid apprenticeship-style internship program, shadowing and working with PBS and ACC TV.
How the Internship Class Works
In the middle of the previous semester leading up to an internship semester, students contact instructor about interning and apply for internships, using the tools above... Click to Read More
- In the middle of the previous semester leading up to an internship semester, students contact instructor about interning and apply for internships, using the tools above, additional links sent by the instructor, and other resources.
- Student develop resumes and e-queries, set up interviews, then accepts or rejects specific offers.
- Once an internship has been confirmed, students are approved to register for the class.
- When the semester begins, Students follow the syllabus schedule which includes guidance meetings, readings, regular hours interning, and emailed correspondence with instructor in the form of journal entry reflections.
- All interns are required to set up a meeting with their instructor by the end of the first week of the semester. This could be individually or in a small group with other students.
A representative from the sponsoring company serves as the student’s immediate supervisor in the work setting.
Students typically work 12-18 hrs/week following the ACC academic calendar.
Throughout the semester, students submit materials as described in the syllabus, to include a resume, journals, midterms and finals, and final printed out journal report.