Start Your Journey
Ready to get started?
If you are interested in taking Business & Technical Communications courses at Austin Community College for regular academic credit, you must go through the admission process. Once you’ve been admitted to the college, you can register for academic credit courses when the registration periods begin.
Learn more by reading the 5 easy steps below.
5 easy steps
1. Learn about a career in technical writing
Wherever commerce, technology, and humanity meet, technical writers are often at the intersections to help enterprises communicate complex technical topics to various audiences, internal and external, via various forms and technologies.
Visit the Society for Technical Communicators, for a great definition and discussion of what tech writers do.A. Visit the US Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) ONET online for information about technical writing and social media.
B. Learn about the Knowledge, Abilities, and Skills (KSAs) expected to enter careers in technical writing.
C. Since social media skills are crucial in a number of professions, visit the BLS sites for Writers and Authors, Search Marketing Strategist and Public Relations Specialist.
2. Learn about awards and degrees
We offer Certificate 1 awards (30 credit hours) and Associate of Applied
Science (60 credit hours) degrees. Learn MoreA. Certificate 1 awards are most appropriate for those already holding
bachelor degrees, changing careers, or building new skills for promotion and career growth.B. Associate of Applied Science (AAS) awards are most appropriate for
those with few or no prior college credits. The AAS plus demonstrated ability and work experience could qualify you for entry-level positions; the AAS is also
the first stage towards earning a bachelor’s degree.Not sure where to start?
Our Certificate 1 and AAS degrees are “stacked,” which means the Certificate 1 lays the foundation for the AAS. So, if you’re still not sure where to start, start with the Certificate 1 and build up to the AAS.
3. Learn about the technical communications specializations we offer in both Certificate 1 and AAS tracks
You may be familiar with “degrees,” but what are awards?
Here at ACC, we use “award” to designate any earned credential, such as a Certificate 1 and including AAS degrees. Since Certificates are not “degrees,”
ACC uses the broader category of “awards.”A. Our Technical Communications awards prepare you to work in technical
industriesB. Our Social Media Communications awards provide you the skills to work in various fields as a social media producer or manager, communications
management, and any field where social media supports the enterprise’s goals.C. Our Business and Government Communications awards prepare you to work in businesses, non-profits, and governmental agencies. -
4. Get advised
If you are new to higher education, you may find yourself needing guidance on navigating the bureaucracy, policies, and procedures of a large, complex educational
organization like ACC. We are here to help each step of the way!A. Are you still thinking about it and want to learn more about the field, the
career, and our offerings, contact us. Department advising helps you figure out what
kind of technical communicator you want to be, what courses to take
when, and otherwise help you navigate the department and our award
plans. Contact us to request a telephone
or virtual appointment.B. ACC college advisors help you navigate the first 15-30 hours of your
AAS and they offer assistance with a wide range of ACC issues from
financial aid to academic success. Visit the Advising Office home page
and search for an Area of Study Advisor to work with. Our department is
in the Arts, Digital Media, and Communications Area of Study.TIP:
Search for a campus close to your home or work in the event you want to visit an advisor for a face to face meeting, once we go back to live instruction again.
5. Ready? Set? Apply and Register!
Now that you know more about career opportunities, our awards and
specializations, and the department and ACC, it’s time to register!Visit the ACC Admissions page to start the process.