Years with ACC: 25


Courses Taught: 

ENGL 2311: Technical Introduction Writing

ETWR 2374: Online Help

ETWR 2472: PDFs with MadCap Flare 



ETWR 2479: Web CMS


Educational Background: 

I hold a B.A. in English from the University of Texas at Austin in English, an M.A. from Indiana University in English and a Ph.D from the University of Texas at Austin in Comparative Literature.


Field Experience:

Before coming to ACC in 1995, I was a writer/editor/contact coordinator at IBM-Austin for 11 years. I am the founder and former coordinator of Austin Community College’s Webmaster Certificate Program. I have published: Power Tools for Technical Communication (Heinle, 2001) and Guide to Writing as an Engineer (Wiley, 2018). I also authored a free online technical writing textbook available at


Something Fun About Me:

In my spare time, I enjoy studying APIs, Github, Alexa for future teaching, learning computer-animated cartooning and reading novels in Spanish and French.