Miñarro/McClinton: Negotiating Spaces
To find ways to function in contemporary society, many people of color feel compelled to alter, contort, or change their identities. This exhibition brings together the work of Bárbara Miñarro and Dave McClinton, two Central Texas artists with artistic practices that explore themes of race and equity in America. Through their artworks, they explore the body in space and how an awareness of physical stress on the human form can symbolize the challenges wrought by discrimination and injustice.

Bárbara Miñarro is a San Antonio based artist who produces textile and fiber artworks that reflect on tactile memories embedded in objects. Much of her work is connected to the lives of Mexican-American immigrants and notions of belonging and migration.

Dave McClinton is an Austin based artist whose artistic practice is a mixture of digital collage, painting, and photography. His work explores the history of the African-American experience and how that history continues to define aspects of Black life in America.
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Exhibition Highlights
Bárbara Miñarro, de Paso (Passing by), 2022, mixed media, gallery installation, 2022, mixed media, gallery installation
Bárbara Miñarro, de Paso (Passing by), 2022, mixed media, gallery installation, 2022, mixed media, gallery installation
Bárbara Miñarro, de Paso (Passing by), 2022, mixed media, gallery installation, 2022, mixed media, gallery installation
Bárbara Miñarro, de Paso (Passing by), 2022, mixed media, gallery installation, 2022, mixed media, gallery installation
Artist portraits by Moyo Oyelola, 2020. Retratos de artistas por Moyo Oyelola, 2020.
This exhibition is a collaboration with the Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation Center at ACC and the Arts and Digital Media Division.
Esta exposición es una colaboración con el Centro de Verdad, Sanación Racial y Transformación de ACC y la División de Artes y Medios Digitales.