Class & Group Visits

At TAG, we are aligned with the understanding that art can be a relevant and impactful teaching tool no matter the class material or subject. 

Please email us at [email protected] to schedule a guided tour or drop-in visit for your group or class.

The Art Galleries at ACC are open to the public Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. 

For classes and groups, we can also schedule private interactive tours on Mondays and Fridays between 9am – 5pm. For more information on parking and how to access our spaces, click here

Frequenty Asked Questions

What happens during a class tour? 

After a preliminary meeting with instructors, TAG staff will build an interactive tour plan composed of discussions and looking activities that are aligned with class projects and assignments listed on the syllabus. After this visit, students will receive handouts as a resource to review that includes links and other materials for further exploration of the topics, artworks, and artists we discussed in the galleries.

I don’t teach an art class. Can I still bring my classes to the gallery for a tour? 

Yes! The galleries are for everyone – whether you have experience with art or not. For classes that might not have a correlation with art in their coursework, TAG staff can create a number of in-person or virtual gallery tours that focus on anything from storytelling through art to relaxing and re-centering with a work of art. For examples of these activities, visit our educational resource page.

I don’t teach at Austin Community College. Can I still schedule a group tour at the galleries?

My class is asynchronous and does not meet in a classroom every week. What can I do to bring the galleries to my students?

TAG staff can work with professors to create class or extra credit assignments that require students to visit the galleries on their own time to complete a worksheet, write a short paper, or create an artwork in response to the exhibition. The assignment itself can be built and tailored based on the objectives, skills, and techniques students are learning in their specific class. Alternatively, professors can take guides or worksheets from our resource page or create their own assignments.  

My class is only online. What resources can I share with my students?

I work at ACC, but I don’t teach a class. Can I still schedule a group tour with coworkers and other colleagues? 

Yes! Group tours are not only for ACC classes. ACC faculty and staff offices, as well as student organizations or external groups are welcome to schedule guided tours. TAG staff have developed tours for staff-only groups focusing on team-building, perspective taking, and more. Alternatively, if you’d like to plan a self-guided experience with co-workers or friends, visitors can take guides from our resource page to create their own experiences in the galleries.