Kristin is originally from Stone Mountain, Georgia and has been living in Austin for over 20 years and teaching at Austin Community College since 2015. She received her BA in Cultural Anthropology from The University of Texas at Austin, her BFA from Texas State University, and her MFA (with Distinction) from The University of New Mexico in Albuquerque.

She relies on both her Studio Art background and anthropological training in the observation of people and systems to approach art and education from a variety of different perspectives. Teaching and facilitating art for anyone who wishes to approach it is a dream job, and the challenges it regularly presents fuel a passion for creative problem solving that she strives to share with and nurture in students.

Courses Taught
ARTS 1301 Art Appreciation (ZTC/DL)
ARTS 1311 Design I
ARTS 1316 Drawing I
ARTS 1317 Drawing II
ARTS 1304 Art History II Study Abroad (Italy)

Headshot of Kristin

Instructional Associate, Adjunct Associate Professor
