Academic Cooperative and Internship Program
Academic Cooperative and Internship Program
Academic Cooperative and Internship Program
As the capstone class for both Studio Art and Art History degree programs, the Art Department Academic Cooperative (ARTS 2389) integrates instruction with practical hands-on experience in internship placements within an Austin-based arts institution. In conjunction with class seminars led by an ACC professor, individual students will set specific goals and objectives while gaining professional experience and skills during their internship.
To enroll in ARTS 2389 and be eligible for internship placement, students must have successfully completed 30+ credit hours towards their degree and receive departmental approval. ARTS 2389 is a three-credit course.
ARTS 2389 Master Syllabus
Contact Professor Roberta Weston at [email protected] for departmental approval to enroll in the class.
The Art Galleries at Austin Community College: Gallery Intern Program
One of the venues for internship placement for ARTS 2349 students is at The Art Galleries (TAG) at Austin Community College. Art History Gallery Interns will develop skills related to exhibition design and coordination, collection management, curatorial practice and research, arts education, and community outreach. Studio Art Gallery Interns will develop skills related to exhibition design and coordination, the photo documentation of artworks, the maintenance of website content, art preparation and installation, and the creation of promotional materials. All interns will perform duties related to the Galleries’ initiatives during the semester, which include planning for future in-gallery and online exhibitions and programs. Emphasis may be placed on the production of online content and exhibitions. TAG maintains educational spaces and community art spaces; therefore, the intern will work as a member of the gallery team in collaboration with departments across ACC, local institutions, and the greater Austin community.
In addition to TAG, ARTS 2349 students have had the opportunity to intern at:
Additional Resources
For more information about applying to ACC internships see this guide provided by the Office of Experiential Learning: