Janet Brooks holds a BFA in Studio Art and an MFA in Painting from the University of Texas at Austin. She is a visual artist in varied media as well as a book designer; she has been an art educator for many years in central Texas, the Bay Area of California, and Nashville TN. Her exhibitions include participation in juried, faculty, and membership shows regionally and nationally. She has juried several regional art shows and has informed and assisted students as they hang their work in a number of exhibitions.

“Art provides continuity and focus in my life. I draw, paint, sculpt, design and teach. I have created many abstract works via acrylic painting, serigraphy, and collage. I draw and sculpt portraits and figures. Much of my current work explores the realm of nature via oil, acrylic, and watercolor media – these paintings are both objective and symbolic. I draw from observation and I allow for invention. The close study of the natural world reveals a realm both delicate and dramatic, intricate and intense. Naturalist  E.O. Wilson says it all for me: ‘The diversity of life has immense aesthetic and spiritual value.’ ”

Courses Taught
ARTS 2366 Watercolor Painting

Adjunct Professor

Email: [email protected]
Website: JanetBrooks.com