
Welcome Kim!

This summer Kim Greyer joined Visual Communication as full-time professor in our Graphic Arts Technology area of study. As adjunct faculty over the past few years, Kim has brought her wide-ranging experience and infectious enthusiasm into her classrooms. Software skills are a must for any graphic designer and Kim’s students have enjoyed learning Adobe InDesign and Photoshop in her Digital Publishing and Digital Imaging classes.

This summer Kim Greyer joined Visual Communication as full-time professor in our Graphic Arts Technology area of study. As adjunct faculty over the past few years, Kim has brought her wide-ranging experience and infectious enthusiasm into her classrooms. Software skills are a must for any graphic designer and Kim’s students have enjoyed learning Adobe InDesign and Photoshop in her Digital Publishing and Digital Imaging classes.

Kim credits the success of her students to the small class size that allows professors to have one-on-one time with each student. Also, the layout of labs is a comfortable space that fosters communication. Kim elaborates, “As a designer I learned a great deal for my course work and training classes, but I also learned a vast amount from my communication with fellow designers.”

We asked Kim for her perspective on developments in the design field. She replied, “Our industry has changed immensely during my career — and it continues to change. I don’t believe print is dead, but we are embracing a blended media industry. As a graphic artists we’ve always been responsible for getting the message of our client out into the world. Our clients’ message is delivered using both images and type and that message will be across many platforms: print, web, ePub, etc. We need to know how to produce and complete on each platform. It is an exciting time!”

Asked for tips she gives students ready to launch design careers, Kim lists these three:

Visit various job web sites and review what the qualifications are. Examples are: Austin Adfed, AIGA Austin, LinkedIn, Indeed, etc.

Always continue to research and learn. Look at websites, magazines, and other media and make notes of what catches your eye and what does not.

Network! Go to industry talks. Look online at Austin Adfed and AIGA Austin to see what events are coming up. Attend these events: meet people and ask questions.