Michael Mikulka
Michael Mikulka’s music has been performed throughout the United States and abroad, including by members of the New York Philharmonic, Cleveland Symphony Orchestra, Dallas Symphony Orchestra, Seattle Symphony, Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, and New Jersey Symphony Orchestra, by performance faculty at universities across the country, and by founding members of the Canadian Brass, Mnozil Brass, and the Kronos Quartet. He has been named a winner or finalist 33 times in composition contests and calls for scores. Michael received his Doctoral Degree in Music Composition from the University of Texas.
As a horn player, Michael studied with Pat Hughes, Douglas Lundeen and Amy Larkey-Emelianoff. While pursuing his doctoral degree, he performed as a member of the University of Texas Wind Ensemble, Symphony Orchestra, and Horn Choir. Michael frequently performs solo and chamber compositions by living composers, including the recent premiere of David Carlton Adams’ Horn Concerto alongside the Density 512 Chamber Orchestra. Michael’s book “A Practical Method for Horn Multiphonics” has been widely praised by new music experts and brass pedagogues.