General Design Inspiration
- Communication Arts—”The premier source of inspiration for graphic designers, art directors, design firms, corporate design departments, advertising agencies, interactive designers, illustrators and photographers—everyone involved in visual communication.” Use the link here for the student subscription rate.
- Identity Designed—A showcase and forum for everyone with an interest in brand identity design.
- Behance—A platform for creatives to share their best work
- Dribbble—”The leading destination to find & showcase creative work and home to the world’s best design professionals”
- Pinterest—A social platform for collecting and sharing visual inspiration
- UX Planet—A shared blogging site described as a “one-stop resource for everything related to user experience”
- Nielson Norman Group—”World Leaders in Research-Based User Experience”
- Laws of UX—A series of interactive posters about the laws that UX practitioners should know
- 18F Methods—”A collection of tools to bring human-centered design into your project.”
- User Experience Research Field Guide—How to conduct solid, reasonable, and reliable user research
- Enterprise Design Thinking —A Design Thinking guide by IBM
- UX Design Glossary — A list of common UX terms with definitions
Graphic Design
- Design Observer—A fantastic design blog from some of today’s top design thinkers
- Design is History—An exploration of some of histories great graphic designers
- Lubalin 100—Items selected from the famous graphic designer, Herb Lubalin
Visual Design / Screen Design
- Flat Inspire—Inspiration for great looking websites
- Site Inspire—A collection of contemporary web design
- SiteSee—”A curated gallery of beautiful, modern websites.”
- Grids—Obys share their principles of the grids using
- Fonts in Use—A look at typefaces in use across a variety of media and time periods.
- Typ.io—Inspiration of fonts in use on the web.
- Typewolf—Typefaces in use on the web.
- Type Specimens—A collection of awesome type specimens websites
- Pro Web Type—A free online book about type and the web
- Practical Typography—A free online book about practical typographic fundamentals
- StyleManual.org—A reference manual of typographic details
- Visualgui—A book collection of typography
- Legibility—How and why typography affects ease of reading
Design Systems
- Styleguides.io—Resources and examples related to design systems
- Design Systems Repo—A collection of design systems
- Design Systems Handbook—A free online book about creating design systems
- The Guardian—A digital design style guide
- CodePen—A platform for creating and sharing code ideas and experiments
- CSS-Tricks—A blog about frontend web development
- Smashing Magazine—A blog and magazine about web development and UX
- HTML & CSS Guidebook—A free, interactive online textbook for learning HTML and CSS
Additional Resource Roundups
- Web Field Manual—A roundup of resources about design, UX, and web development
- Adobe Create—Adobe’s online magazine for creatives
- Design Principles—A master list of design principles spanning a wide variety of UX and Design-related disciplines
- Design Checklist—”A collection of the best UX and UI practices.”